Moritz Montag
Managing Director IT-Service GmbH
EDEKA Minden-Hannover
“Together with our consulting partners, including consenso with a long-standing and solid position among them, we pursue the objective of harmonising all business processes of our company in several rollout steps based on SAP. In close coordination with the other EDEKA regions, we have been optimising and implementing joint developments across all trade levels.
Collaboration in this extraordinary project is characterised by trust, mutual esteem and expert discussions on an equal footing. On strategic-controlling levels as well as for the operational implementation of measures by technical specialists, in consenso we have found a partner who supports us in a goal-oriented and successful manner within EDEKA’s cooperative structures.”
Total revenues:
8.17 billion EUR
Wholesale Trade | food
Head office:
EDEKA Minden-Hannover was founded in 1920 as a cooperative society of independent retailers and is one of the top-selling regional companies within the EDEKA group. As a wholesaler, the company is responsible for purchasing, product marketing, logistics, location development and backward processes. In addition to its retailer support, EDEKA Minden-Hannover also operates consumer markets and cash-and-carry supermarkets under its own direction. The business region comprises almost 1,500 markets with sales areas of more than 1.8 billion square metres. The retail markets are supplied with goods via eight warehouses and four further distribution centres. Two thirds of the markets are owned and run by more than 600 independent retailers.