“Dynamic, inspirational and committed to the customer – these are the essential elements of bonprix' manifest. We meet our customers in an open, honest way and on equal footing. In consenso, we succeeded in finding a partner whose cultural fit matches our company perfectly.”



Founded in 1986, today, bonprix is one of the highest turnover companies of the otto group. bonprix addresses customers in 30 countries throughout Europe, Russia as well as North and South America. More than 50% of the total turnover is generated abroad. The business focus is on e-commerce and mobile shopping. Every week, international web shops are presented anew on desktop computers, smartphones or tablets: with the latest fashion, individual advice and many inspirations. Customers love to shop in the web shops: about 80% of bonprix’ yearly worldwide turnover of more than 1.5 billion EUR in the fiscal year 2016/2017 are realised in online trade. But also catalogues and the bonprix fashion stores in Germany attract and dress a lot of new and regular customers.